September 16-23 in Berlin

Global Health Summer School 2023

Colliding crises: Global Health between war, security and human rights

The summer school took place in September 2023 at Refugio in Berlin. It was opened by a one-day conference organised by IPPNW and medico international.

During the summer school we looked at the intersections between health, peace and human rights and asked ourselves: what kind of security can ensure well-being and a good life for all in the 21st century? A feminist and intersectional perspective guided us in seeking solutions.

The summer school explored how health, as a field of practice, of policy but most importantly as a human right is connected to violence, war and different security approaches. We focused on ways in which both direct and structural violence affect our work as health professionals and political activists dedicated to Health For All.

War and violent conflict cause injuries, traumatisation and death of thousands. During 2022, the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine has made this strikingly visible, with attacks on hospitals and maternity wards causing international outcries. Far away from the attention of Western politicians and media, the civil war in Ethiopia is claimed to be the most violent in the 21st century - 100.000 are reported to have died due to lack of medical attention. What are the effects of violent conflicts on the health of individuals and health systems? What are the gendered dimensions? Can the health sector build bridges to peace and dialogue amidst polarization and hatred?

Peace and well-being are conditions for health and vice-versa. Health can play an important role in achieving and sustaining peace. The question of prevention, mitigation and transformation of violent conflict is crucial to practitioners, academics and activists of global and public health, medicine and psychology. Through their analytical training, ethical standards of Do-no-harm and social recognition they can become peace-makers. However, they also stand in danger of becoming targets or even perpetrators of violence and repression.

During the week-long course we learned with and from each other: students and young activists from various countries, fields of studies and social movements came together. We approached the topics through inputs, workshops, small-group discussions, a fish-bowl and a playback theatre performance. The participant’s workshops formed a major part of the programme, focussing on the expertise and topics of interest to the people present at the summer school. Equally important was our process-oriented approach to learning. We believe that strengthening agency and critical connections between people is crucial to overcome the fragmentation effects of violence and to build solidarity. We therefore tried to allow time for reflection, sharing of experiences and also an emotional response to the heavy topics under discussion.

For more information please check out the 2023 programme. The summer school was kicked off on September 16th by a one-day conference. Please see the programme here.

Participants´ Voices 2023

As a team we had the opportunity to agree and disagree , reshape and give new meaning and definitions towards, global health , violence and health as well as peace and health which were more elaborated by the speakers we had throughout the week. The summer school was a great experience.
Nancy - medical student at the University of Lusaka, Zambia

I especially sense a lot of tension on this thin line between the desire to change, help and to build peace whilst trying not to inflict any more harm than our western lifestyle already afflicts on our friends in the global south. These tensions are sometimes hardly bearable. And yet, I see hope for change in the tones in between, because this is where the potential lies to build new relationships that can bring change. The summer school serves as a good example, because we got to know each and learned from each other.
Jonathan - medical student at the University of Halle (Saalae), Germany

The Global Health Summer School was an amazing opportunity to connect with other young people and activists interested in the field of global health, to learn more about decoloniality, global health and how it differs from international health, and discuss current policies. I had a lot of fun and got inspired how to become more active in this field in the future.
Kristin - student of peace and conflict studies at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

I had the privilege of being a part of the Global Health Summer School 2023 in Germany, and I must say it was an absolutely incredible experience. The opportunity to immerse myself in a deep dive into global health, intersectionality, and the devastating effects of violent conflicts on the health of ordinary people was eye-opening. One of the highlights for me was witnessing the dedication and hard work that some of my fellow participants had poured into creating and delivering workshops. It was truly inspiring to see such passionate individuals coming together to share their knowledge and insights. Ashim - medical doctor at Kathmandu Hospital, Nepal

Supported by

Engagement Global mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung

and Medical Peace Work

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